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"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you." Psalm 56:3

Who knew that VBS memory verses could teach adults just as much as kids. Psalm 56:3 was Tuesday's focus verse and one little word stuck with me and made me do a little thinking…TRUST

According to my dictionary, TRUST means
"n. reliance on some quality of a person or thing; v. to have confidence in, hope, rely on, believe"

TRUST. I use that word a lot, but when it comes right down to it…what does it mean to trust? And how do you explain something you don't understand well to 2nd and 3rd graders?! Well we started off thinking of things that we TRUST that start with each letter in the word. Here is what their genius little minds came up with…

T= teacher (we TRUST teachers to teach us)
      tables (we TRUST tables to hold up  our dinner plates)

R= rabbits (????? It was a long stretch, but don't we TRUST rabbits to hop and not fly?!!)

U= umbrellas (we TRUST unmbrellas will keep rain off of us)
       unicorns ( "…well that is an interesting one!" I said, "I don't TRUST unicorns because they do magic and I TRUST in Godand His miracles, not magic!!" )

S= signs (we TRUST signs to lead us in the right direction)
      sun (we TURST the sun to rise everyday and help plants grow and light our day)

T= tums (this one caught me off guard, especially because the boy that said it sang the song. You know…tum ta tum tum tums!!…but I guess we do TRUST them to help our stomachs feel better)
      trees (we TRUST trees will give us shade and oxygen)

We went on to read John 4:46-54 where Jesus heals  an official's the dying son. What great TRUST this man had in the healing powers of Jesus. When Jesus said "Go, your son will live", the man turned and headed back home to see his healed son. He didn't ask more questions or keep bugging Jesus to come with him. Come to find out, his son got better at the exact time Jesus had said his son would live.

WOW! What an incredible example of TRUST.

I have a huge network of people in my life that I can TRUST: friends, family, professors, employers, community members, etc. But then I think of the women I am going to meet in Cambodia. Who in their lives can they TRUST? Do they have anyone in whom to confide? Each night a different man demeans her. Brothel owners sell her off to the highest bidder. Her family has disowned her.

Just wait until they meet Jesus and find they can rely on Him in all things…

This got me thinking of other good example of TRUST:
-a baby relying on its mother for food and care
-I am confident that my car will get me from point A to point B
-my friends hope I will never tell the secrets they have entrusted me with

But what does it look like to trust in our Father God?

Recently I was introduced to the metaphor of dancing with God. This really is a beautiful image! Personally, I have a hard time with dancing. I'm usually fine with feeling the rythm and understanding the way to move my feet. I can dance by myself or with other girls (and I get to lead). I find myself struggling with it comes to trying to dance with a guy.

I just can't let go. How do I make myself rely on someone else? How do I give up control and let someone else guide my path.

But then I watch others dancers…really good ones. It is so awesome…The girls twirl and jump, give and take, come in and spin out. All because the guy flicks his wrist or raises his arm in just the right way and she follows perfectly.

In fast dances, it seems she moves so quickly that there is absolutely no time for her to think or doubt. She just has to rely on his cues.


But slow dances are my favorite. He draws her in close. Wraps his arms around her. She lays her head on his shoulder. They enjoy the minutes of just being close to eachother.

I bet that is what God wants from me. In the fast times of life, He wants me to just follow His lead and not think or doubt. And in the slow times of life, He just wants me to draw close to Him and rest in His arms as He wraps them around me.

And when I am afraid or want to give up or feel weak or am homesick or feel frustrated,I will put my TRUST in Him who created me and loves me and will never leave my side.

2 responses to “Won’t you dance with me?”

  1. I really like your last part: In the fast times of life, He wants me to just follow His lead and not think or doubt. And in the slow times of life, He just wants me to draw close to Him and rest in His arms as He wraps them around me.

    I’ve felt like I’ve been slow dancing with God the past few days and it has been incredible. Praying that your trust in Him continues to increase and your love for Him reaches new depths!!

  2. So true… I think this time in life too I’m learning how to trust He knows me best – and precisely what the next move should be in our dance.

    I love you – i sometimes jump up and down knowing God has brought us together so we can share with each other how we are dancing with Him.